Wholesome Learning Bible Curriculum Review

Title: Biblical Names (Vol. 1) and Biblical Feasts (Vol. 2)
Author: Evonne Mandella
Format: E-book download
Website: www.wholesomelearning.com/

Wholesome Learning Biblical Names and Biblical Feasts is a multi-level Bible curriculum for Preschool to High School students with a focus on Biblical languages. Included in this set is the “Read Hebrew Today” and “Now I Know My Aleph-Bet” curriculum to learn Hebrew language skills. This curriculum is delivered in a convenient E-book download format which can be printed for several students within one family. Each Wholesome Learning volume is a 9 week study that can be used within the homeschool and also tailored for church and Sunday school programs.

The Wholesome Learning curriculum is a dynamic study of the Biblical Feasts and Hebrew language from a unique Jewish-Christian perspective. Hands-on activities include delicious recipes, Biblical dramas, a Passover Seder, decorating a Sukkah for the Feast of Tabernacles, lighting a Chanukah Menorah, and several other Biblical celebrations.

The Wholesome Learning curriculum is fun and engaging and provides many opportunities for families to experience the richness of God’s Word together.

Strengths of the Wholesome Learning curriculum:

-Multi-level curriculum for students Preschool to High School.
-Reproducible for several students within a family.
-Convenient E-book format.
-Incorporates Scripture study along with Biblical culture.
-Requires minimal preparation and planning.

Wholesome Learning curriculum will compliment the following home education learning styles:

-Unit Studies
-Classical (Hebrew language focus)
-Charlotte Mason

Review Disclaimer: Wholesome Learning provided me with a complimentary copy of this resource for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review reflects my personal experience with using this resource.


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