The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 9

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

Well friends, it was another busy week. We held the March Preshow for the Schoolhouse Expo. It was a wonderful online event featuring Terri Johnson, Malia Russell, and Mary Jo Tate. Coming up next month we have the April Preshow featuring Andrew Pudewa, Dianne Craft, Tricia Goyer, and Heidi St. John. It is just a few weeks away and so the Expo team is busy planning and preparing. In just 8 short weeks we will also have our week long online conference for the Schoolhouse Expo from May 16-20.

In our homeschool this week...
This week we are 8 weeks from Shaiya’s graduation. I am starting to get nervous. We need to order the cap and gown. I need to go buy a new dress. I don’t really like to shop at all. Shaiya has most of the planning completed for the Open House and the weeks are just zooming by fast. I am trying not to panic.

Briyah finished up her God’s Great Covenant curriculum for Bible and now she is working through a study on the book of James. In the mornings she sits with me and reads verses she picks out which provides a nice start to our mornings. James is one of my favorite books so I am looking forward to reading this with her over the next couple of weeks.

This week, Briyah also began reading “The Courage of Sarah Noble” and also “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” for our history studies. She has read them already because she likes to read all of her books at the beginning of the year. This time we are reading and discussing the books together.

 Places we're going & people we're seeing...
I really enjoyed making a few new friends this week who are leading Classical Conversations groups in other areas of Indiana. If you would like to know more about Classical Conversations, you can attend one of the Parent Practicums being held across the US this summer.

This week Shaiya is turning 18 and family is coming over to celebrate this weekend. I am not sure how she grew up so quickly and I am starting to feel very emotional. I am very proud of the beautiful young woman the Lord has fashioned her to be but it sure did happen quickly. I am getting all teary eyed just writing this.

My favorite thing this week was...
The patio room is my absolute new favorite thing. Now that it is warming up, the patio room is wonderful! The flowers are springing up all over the yard which is such a surprise. We moved into our home in the winter and everything was covered in snow. This past week we discovered the entire perimeter of the house is surrounded by flowers. I think some of them are tulips and so I am anxiously awaiting the blooms.

What's working/not working for us...
Spring is here and everything is working for us! I am not a fan of cold and dreary winter weather. Once it warms up a bit and things start blooming, I am ready to get outside in the garden. The kids are ready to go to the park too.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
This fall I am planning on using the IEW curriculum and I am in process of getting acquainted with the program. I have not ordered it yet but I am looking online at the IEW website and also the catalog.

Quote of the week:
"What more do you need? A little garden to walk in, and immensity to reflect on. At his feet something to cultivate and gather; above his head something to study and meditate on; a few flowers on earth and all the stars in heaven." ~Victor Hugo in Les Miserables


Anonymous said…
I would love to have a patio! We have a deck, but it's soooo blazing hot being off our 2nd story (walk out basement underneath) with no shade. Following from THMJ. Have a great week!
Michelle Smith said…
I enjoyed the pre-show for the Schoolhouse Expo last week, and want to thank you for all the hard work you put into it.

Spring has finally arrived here, too. Pollens are everywhere and I'm trying to decide how much gardening to engage in this spring and summer. Enjoy your flowers--my tulips are beginning to bloom.

I think you'll love the IEW program. We are using it this year, and we're really enjoying it!

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