{The Week} C is for Critters and Creatures

Lately, we have been tinkering around our little backyard garden. Each week, the crew spends a significant amount of time searching for critters and creatures while I piddle around the yard figuring out where to plant our veggies.

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We have a humble little backyard. When we first looked at Sheffield House, the realtor let us know we would not be interested in the house because of the small backyard. Briyah said it was a perfect house because pixies lived under the doorstep.

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We took one look at the backyard and knew that it was the perfect place for an outdoor classroom.
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The kids are always picking up or observing little critters in the yard. They collect ants, earthworms, beetles, and spiders to observe in bug jars.

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My niece loves to catch ants to observe.

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She likes to collect earthworms as well. She names every one of them Slimey.
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The earthworms are good for our garden soil. Many of our seedlings are growing and are ready to be planted.

So far we have planted:
  • Pizza Garden of tomatoes, peppers, and herbs
  • Strawberries
  • Brussell Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Peas
  • Heirloom Tomatoes
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Cilantro
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Balm
  • Thyme
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My niece enjoys putting plants in the ground, but I think she mainly wants to hunt for more earthworms.
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They are all counting down the days to when they can stand out in the warm summer sun and eat the heirloom tomatoes right off the vine.
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It is a bit of a hodge podge garden but it makes us happy.
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The gorgeous irises sprung up this week.
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Each day in our garden, we hear a lovely woodpecker calling out. Sometimes he visits our bird habitat and we can observe him close through the window. He certainly a majestic creature!
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I must admit, I am not fond of all the creatures that visit our home. I did not mind when the crew wanted to adopt a few stray cats in the neighborhood. I was not thrilled about the opossum that showed up this week. It better stay out of my veggie patch!

We all have dreams of outdoor projects that we hope to work on one day. I am pretty sure we have found more projects than we have time, but it gives us something to work towards.

Pinterest - Gardening
Pinterest - Outdoor Play Spaces

What are you planting this spring?

Do your kids enjoy digging in the dirt and finding their own critters and creatures?

Linking up with these beautiful hosts:
Ben and Me - Blogging Through the Alphabet
Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers - The Weekly Wrap-Up


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