The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Week Four

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

This week I have been busy at work getting ready for the Schoolhouse Expo. Our first preshow event on March 15 is just one month away so we are gearing up for a great time. I have been so thankful to see the wonderful response that we had in our first two weeks of ticket sales. We have approximately 1000 people registered to attend thus far! Our prayer is that the Lord will be glorified at our online conference!

In our homeschool this week...

We are 13 weeks from graduation. Thankfully my daughter, being the responsible and creative person that she is, has most of the planning down for the graduation and open house. We just need to order the cap and gown, diploma, and send in the registration for the graduation event. The past 12 years of homeschooling have flown by very quickly.

Places we're going & people we're seeing...

It is such a blessing to live back home in Indiana! Today we had a cookout at my inlaws and it is just such a joy to see them each week. This coming week a good friend is also coming to visit for an overnight and we have a lot of catching up to do while watching Jane Austen movies and hopefully we can talk Shaiya into baking some scones too.

It almost reached 50 degrees here today in central Indiana and everything is starting to thaw from the big ice storm. I am ready to begin picking up garden supplies again. I hope this year we are going to plant a huge garden, God willing. I don't think we will be able to outdo our 65 x 80 garden we had a few years ago, but I have a feeling it is going to be a big one.

My favorite thing this week was...

My husband and I had a heart-to-heart talk about some of our dreams for the future for our family.

What's working/not working for us...

Briyah is really gleaning quite a bit in her astronomy studies. She is also enjoying a science class at a local university.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

I am starting to plan some of our curriculum for next school term. It is such a bittersweet feeling to only be planning for our youngest daughter. Shaiya will graduate in May by August she will be in her college classes.

This fall we are joining Classical Conversations so some of our curriculum choices are mapped out already. We are going to begin in the Foundations program and I also hope we will have an Essentials program as I would like for Briyah to begin the IEW program.

A photo to share...

Briyah continually surprises us with her thoughts and ideas. This week as she studied about the constellations, she became quite enamored with some of the names. After she completed her work, I noticed a sheet of paper she was compiling of names to choose from for her future children. She is 8 now so she has plenty of time to reconsider.

Briyah enjoys her astronomy studies quite a bit!

She made a list of constellation names for her future children.

Happy Homeschooling!


Unknown said…
How exciting about graduation! I am new here following from the Mother's Journal. I have heard wonderful things about Classical Conversations. I have just switched over to a classical curriculum myself and just love it. Good luck with all the graduation planning. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Michelle Smith said…
I am also excited about the upcoming Schoolhouse Expo. I know by then I will need the encouragement and fresh ideas!

And that is so sweet about your daughter and the constellations. It's neat to see how our kids' brains work, isn't it?
SisterTipster said…
Hey lady~
You prob don't remember me, but I used to live in KY and we have mutual friends ;-)) I even know your little bro and sister~from the co-op there ( I lived there about 8 yrs ago)~GREAT to see you in the Mother's Journal and happy your daughter is soon graduating~TIME does fly, doesn't it?
Hope to see you around~

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