The Homeschool Mother's Journal - 8

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

This is a busy week at The Old Schoolhouse ® Magazine as we get ready for the first March Preshow for the Schoolhouse Expo on Tuesday evening. We have three wonderful and inspiring speakers: Terri Johnson, Malia Russell, and Mary Jo Tate. It is going to be such a wonderful event!

In our homeschool this week...
We are 9 weeks out from Shaiya’s graduation and so we are busy preparing for the graduation and open house. Briyah is starting to complete some of her regular curriculum books and so this will give us some additional time to focus on projects such as gardening and 4-H. Typically we continue studies throughout the summer. We do not maintain a regular school schedule but Briyah really enjoys working on projects and reading through the summer.

Places we're going & people we're seeing...
This past week I also enjoyed meeting Leigh Bortins of Classical Conversations at one of her speaking engagements in the Indianapolis area this past week. I began reading her book The Core and it is a great overview of classical education from a biblical perspective. Leigh has a refreshing writing style that is very practical and approachable and I am really enjoying this book. I am excited that this coming fall I am serving as a Foundations Director of a Classical Conversations community in Anderson, IN. Classical Conversations communities are located throughout the US and you can watch an informational video on Parent Practicums that will be held this summer in many states.

My favorite thing this week was...
Briyah has been in a writing mood lately and so she is writing stories, poetry, and other musings each day. Today she decided she was interested in writing a report on the Declaration of Independence which I thought was cute. One day she also wrote out her thoughts on the Lord and placed it on my desk. It really blessed me to see her love for the Lord. I will share the photo this week.

What's working/not working for us...
We have begun incorporating more art into our history studies each week and that is working great for us!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I am beginning to make selections for curriculum that we will be using next year. We will be in Cycle 3 of the Classical Conversations Foundations program which will include a focus on American History.

A photo to share...


"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. ~Mark 10:14-16


Anonymous said…
I've heard a lot about Classical Conversations, but not sure what it is. Is it a group? or just the name for their curriculum?

I am reading The Core now. Very inspiring book that is giving me a lot of things to consider for next year. How cool that you got to meet Leigh! Visiting from THMJ.

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