Classical Conversations Anderson - Week One
This Tuesday was our first day back to classes at Classical Conversations Anderson. We had a great day of learning together as a community.
Our classes are held at the beautiful First Presbyterian Church in downtown Anderson.
Malachi refers to the church as the "castle school" because of the stately historical architecture.
I am blessed to serve as Director of the Foundations/Essentials program at Classical Conversations Anderson. This is my second year as Director, and it is a great blessing to work with the wonderful tutors and families in our community. This year at CC Anderson, we have two Foundations classes (morning program), one Essentials class (afternoon program), and a full day Challenge A program for junior high students. God-willing, our campus will continue to expand, for the glory of God, as new families and tutors join our learning community.
We attend classes at Classical Conversations Anderson once weekly for a community learning day. The other four days a week, families in our community learn at home, attend additional area classes, and participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.
This week for our home studies, we are learning about many new topics, to complement our studies with Classical Conversations. I will share a few resources that we are gleaning from this week.
Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood is one of our favorite blogs. Each week Brandy blogs about supplementary resources for studies with Classical Conversations. She offers a helpful one or two page planner (free download) to organize and plan weekly studies based on Cycle 1 of CC. Brandy also hosts a weekly link up and monthly blog carnival for CC families. This week we are visiting other CC bloggers in the Week One Link Up to pick up new ideas for our supplementary studies. If you are currently studying with Classical Conversations, you will want to be sure to bookmark this blog.
Here are a few supplements we sprinkle in our weekly studies to compliment our CC memory work.
Ancient Egypt / Commandments 1-5
I am saving a few ideas on my Week 1 / Cycle 1 Pinterest board.
We are working on our Ancient Egypt History Pocket project.
We are exploring several great apps this week:
Ancient Egypt: Britannica Kids app
Wonders of Old Ancient Timeline app
KQ TimeTraveler app
MapTrek Ancient World
Fertile Crescent
Flocabulary has a unique song about the Fertile Crescent.
Mr. Donn has a few resources on the Fertile Crescent.
I am saving a few ideas on my Cycle 1 Science Pinterest board.
We are working on an Animal Classification lapbook (free download).
Fine Arts:
OILS / Drawing Basic Shapes
I am saving a few ideas on my Cycle 1 Fine Arts Pinterest board.
We are working on cute animal pictures with online tutorials. I do not have any of Joy Sikorski's books yet, but I hope to pick a few up this year.
Next week, we are going to mummify a chicken. I am sure it will be interesting. This will be a first time project for us, which I read about it on several different blogs. If you have successfully mummified a chicken, please let me know some tips on what worked for you.
Do you study with a Classical Conversations community? I would love to hear what you are using in your supplementary studies for your memory work.
I hope you are having a great week of studies with your families!
Linking up with:
