Appy Friday! Our Favorite Resources for iPhone/iPad
Do you use an iPad for homeschooling?
Our iPad is our daily companion for our subjects of study. Our house is overflowing with curriculum and good books, and we are a house of geeky bibliophiles, but we use the iPad on a daily basis to supplement our core studies. The iPad has revolutionized our homeschooling. I consider it my teacher's assistant, which has brought a dynamic new learning environment, and positive reinforcement to our studies.
Each week, a wonderful event takes place known as App Friday, which is a weekly promotion for family-friendly apps by Moms with Apps. Our family locates exciting new apps each week through App Friday. Friday is practically a holiday in our house, as the kids eagerly await what new apps will appear. If you would like to expand your educational app collection, you can visit the App Friday page on Facebook, which includes a download center featuring free and reduced apps. Be sure to check out the App Friday update for today from Moms with Apps.
During 2012, our family has downloaded hundreds of quality educational apps, to support our homeschooling efforts. The bulk of these apps have been free, as I picked them up on App Friday, or by staying connected with other great app review websites that feature free and reduced apps on a weekly basis.
Apps for Homeschooling is a another great resource for discovering apps that work for homeschool children of all ages. The Apps for Homeschooling Facebook page lists frequent updates on free/reduced apps, reviews, and promo codes. Frequently, I rely on Jennifer's reviews before I purchase apps, as she is a homeschooling mother, who analyzes the educational benefits available within the apps.
Smart Apps for Kids is a helpful site that I visit each week for info on free apps, reduced apps, and other paid apps that are of an educational value. I also love the Smart Apps for Kids Facebook page, which is a great source of updates apps that are only free for a very limited time. Some apps are only free for a few hours or a few days. Smart Apps for Kids has a great giveaway of four iPad minis going on right now.
I periodically list iPhone/iPad apps that are our favorites, new apps, and free apps on my Homeschool Marm Facebook page. I would love to have you stop by and visit me.
What are your favorite sources for app reviews and resources?
Appy Homeschooling!