{Review} Organic Outreach For Families
Product Details:
Authors: Kevin and Sherry Harney
Publishers: Zondervan
Format: Softcover book
Length: 192 pages
Website: Organic Outreach For Families: Turning Your Home Into A Lighthouse
Publisher Description:
Organic Outreach for Families, Kevin and Sherry Harney share insights
from the Scriptures and give practical advice from their own experience
to help you learn how to transform your home into a lighthouse of God’s
amazing grace.
The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others:
-Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus
-Sharing God’s grace with your extended family
-Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood
-Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming
-Shining the light of grace into your broader community
The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.
The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others:
-Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus
-Sharing God’s grace with your extended family
-Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood
-Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming
-Shining the light of grace into your broader community
The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.
Organic Outreach for Families is an excellent missional book with a focus on assisting families in living out the Great Commission through the natural organic opportunities of daily life. This book is an inspirational how-to guide filled with attainable practical ideas of how to share the light and love of Jesus with your children, family and community.
Organic Outreach for Families is comprised of three primary parts: 1) Reaching Your Own Family 2) Raising Children of Light in a Dark World 3) Turning Your Home into a Lighthouse. Each section is full of approachable ways to serve your family and community in the love of Christ.
The Harneys describe the beauty of homes that shine the light of Jesus:
"Every lighthouse home will look a bit different, but they will all have one thing in common. They will be places where Jesus is King, where his love is present, and where the Holy Spirit is at work. A lighthouse home is a place where the amazing grace of God is felt and the saving message of Jesus is heard. It's a place where the glow of God's light is strong and people are drawn to the Savior. Homes like this can change a community, a state, a nation, even the world."
The Harneys present the family as a priority in ministry. They beautifully share how to create homes that are safe havens where children can thrive in healthy relationships.
"The best place for our children to be filled with passion for the gospel and learn how to share it with others is right where they live. As parents, we can make our homes places of grace and help our children become bearers of God's light in this dark world."
Organic Outreach for Families is an excellent book that will inspire your family to be the salt and light of Jesus to your own family and your community. If you desire for your family to live missionally, while sharing the gospel and impacting those around you for God's Kingdom, this book will propel you forward with Biblical encouragement and practical ideas. If you have interest in ministering with your family, to a broken world that desperately needs Jesus, you will enjoy reading this book!
Organic Outreach for Families is on my list of favorite reads from 2012. This book is a great format for small group or church wide study in missional living. The Harneys have two additional works that compliment this work: Organic Outreach for Churches: Infusing Evangelistic Passion into Your Congregation and Organic Outreach for Ordinary People: Sharing Good News Naturally.
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Organic Outreach For Families Book Description from Kevin Harney on Vimeo.
This book was provided by Cross Focused Reviews and Zondervan Publishing for review purposes. This author was under no obligation to offer a favorable review. All opinions shared about the product are the honest responses of Sharra Badgley.
Shaun Tabatt
Cross Focused Reviews