{Review} The Ultimate Homeschool Planners by Debra Bell
This spring, I had the opportunity to review The Ultimate Homeschool Planners by Debra Bell for Mosaic Reviews. These gorgeous planners, published by Apologia Educational Ministries, provide beautiful inspiration for the daily and weekly homeschooling journey.
When the package arrived from Apologia, the kids did a happy dance while squealing through the house. I pulled the planners out of the box and they wanted to immediately start using them. The planners are colorful, the pages are a high quality weight, and the assortment of informative charts and study tips offer interesting reading material.
Each planner in the series could be used as a stand alone resource, but the beauty of the three planners is the harmonious and orderly system that results from using them together. A note in the front of the main planner relates:
The Ultimate Homeschool Planner could be used alone, but the entire system is designed to work together so that your students gradually take on more and more responsibility for their own planning and scheduling. Ideally, the mom should have The Ultimate Homeschool Planner and each student should have his or her own planner.
The Ultimate Homeschool Planner
Product Details:
Format: Sturdy plastic cover; spiral coil bound
Retail Price: $28.00
Store Link: The Ultimate Homeschool Planner
Publisher Description:
Count your blessings while charting your family's homeschool journey with this gorgeous day planner from best-selling author Debra Bell. The Ultimate Homeschool Planner will help you prayerfully prioritize your family's lessons, assignments, and activities as well as academic and personal growth goals for each of your children. Includes teaching helps, record-keeping, and pages to document God's faithfulness throughout the year.
The Ultimate Homeschool Planner Features:
- Sturdy plastic cover that is very durable to hold up the entire year
- Storage pockets in the front and back cover
- Large spiral bound coil lays so planner opens flat for ease in writing
- Undated pages for flexibility in schedule
- Sturdy cardstock at-a-glance calendar up to 2015-2016
- Informative User's Guide which detail the planning system
- Colorful and detailed photo tutorials
- Can be customized for six students
- Monthly Planning Sessions guide
- Weekly Planning Breaks guide
- Monday Morning Tutorials guide
- Friday Afternoon Reviews guide
- One-Year Planning Grid
- Student Goals for each student
- Resource Lists
- Undated pages offer the most flexibility in scheduling
- Two page undated spread for every month
- Two page undated spread every week for overall planning (Bible Plan, Battle Plan, Prayers, Hospitality/Outreach, Memorable Moments, Evidences of God's Grace)
- Two page undated spread every week for academic planning (Students, Subjects, Notes, Supplies, Appointments, Inspirational Quotes)
- Records/Grades lists for each student
- Reading Lists
- Field Trips/Activities lists
- Teaching Tips
- Year-End Review
The main Ultimate Homeschool Planner is not just a standard planner for homeschooling. It is an entire system for designing a productive and orderly homeschooling schedule. This planner includes comprehensive photo tutorials of the planning system which are helpful to brand-new or veteran homeschooling families. Even after 14 years of homeschooling, I picked up some very practical tips to incorporate into our own scheduling. Debra Bell does an excellent job detailing the Weekly Planning Breaks, Monday Morning Tutorials and Friday Afternoon Reviews which help provide structure and accountability for parents and students.
My favorite aspect of The Ultimate Homeschool Planner are the two page Weekly Planner spreads. These two planning pages help anchor the week in a spiritual manner. You have space to record Bible Plan, Battle Plan (areas where concentration is needed), Prayer requests, plans for Hospitality/Outreach, Memorable Moments (great memories), Evidences of God's Grace (ways that God demonstrated kindness and grace). This planner is unique and can become a keepsake journal of the homeschooling year. In a very practical way, this planner is inspirational and can fuel your journey for the long term. During a challenging week of homeschooling, you can look back in your planner and see all of the ways you recorded good memories, achievements, and God's grace working in your family. The two page Weekly Planner spreads are followed by two additional Weekly Planner pages for academic planning. So each week you have four planning pages!
The Ultimate Daily Planner for Students
Product Details:
Format: Sturdy plastic cover; spiral coil bound
Retail Price: $19.00
Store Link: The Ultimate Daily Planner for Students
Publisher Description:
A great gift to start younger students on the road to academic independence! Students meet with Mom weekly to record their daily assignments and mark their progress. Helpful tips, extensive study aids and engaging trivia give this planner true kid appeal.
The Ultimate Daily Planner for Students Features:
- Sturdy plastic cover
- Spiral bound coil lays so planner opens flat
- Undated pages for flexibility in schedule
- Sturdy cardstock at-a-glance calendar up to 2014-2015 (storage pocket too!)
- Plastic bookmark ruler
- All About Me pages
- Study-Smart Student Toolkit of helpful study skills and tips
- One undated page for every month
- Two page undated spread for every week for academic planning
- Each day is lined for recording of assigments
- Box for "Done" and "Approved" can be checked by students
- Grades pages
- Reading List pages
- Activity Log pages
- Presidential Active Lifestyle Award pages
- U.S. and World History Timeline pages
- U.S. Map with States and Capitals pages
- World Map with Political Boundaries
- Scientific Charts
- Math Charts
- Grammar Guide, Writing Helps, and Recommended Reading Lists
- Greek and Latin Roots
- Lined Notes pages
- Cute stickers to use in the planner
The Ultimate Weekly Planner for Teens
Product Details:
Format: Sturdy plastic cover; spiral coil bound
Retail Price: $19.00
Store Link: The Ultimate Daily Planner for Teens
Publisher Description:
Homeschool teens can track their progress and count down the credit hours to graduation
with this outstanding planner. Includes helpful tips, SAT word builders, and extensive
study aids to keep teens engaged and growing in responsibility.
The Ultimate Weekly Planner for Teens Features:
- Sturdy plastic cover
- Spiral bound coil lays so planner opens flat
- Undated pages for flexibility in schedule
- Sturdy cardstock at-a-glance calendar up to 2014-2015 (storage pocket too!)
- Plastic bookmark ruler
- All About Me pages
- First Semester pages
- Second Semester pages
- Two page undated spread for every month
- Two page undated spread for every week for academic planning (includes SAT Words, Inspirational Quote, Doodle Spot, Think Pad, and checklists for items Due, Appointments/Work Schedule, and Devotions)
- Grades pages
- Reading List pages
- Activity Log pages
- Presidential Active Lifestyle Award pages
- Credit Tracker for high school
- Citation Guide
- U.S. and World History Timeline pages
- U.S. Map with States and Capitals pages
- World Map with Political Boundaries
- Scientific Charts (Periodic Table, Physics Review, etc.)
- Math Charts (Measurements, Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Algebra Review, etc.)
- College Admissions Timeline
- High School Checklist
- Recommended Reading List for College Bound
- Scholarship Tips
- Lined Notes pages
- Stickers to use in the planner
Apologia is one of our absolute favorite companies for homeschooling resources. Our family uses Apologia resources for our core studies in Science and Bible. Additionally, I enjoy reading the encouragement titles published by Apologia which offer me plenty of inspiration and support as a homeschooling mother. The Ultimate Homeschool Planners are of the same fine quality design and publishing that you expect to see from Apologia. Debra Bell has translated her years of homeschooling wisdom and experience into truly an ultimate planning system in The Ultimate Homeschool Planners.
Connect with Debra Bell and Apologia:
Apologia website
Ultimate Planners Info page
Debra Bell website
Apologia Facebook
You can read what others on the Mosaic Reviews team have to say about The Ultimate Homeschool Planners. If you would like to learn more about this great planning system, come and join us Friday, April 12 for a Facebook Party with Apologia (9-10 p.m. EST)!
I received a complimentary copy of this product from Apologia to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review for Mosaic Reviews. This author was under no obligation to offer a favorable review. All opinions shared about the product are the honest responses of Sharra Badgley. Your results and opinions may vary.