{Virtual Curriculum Fair 2014} Exploring Our World: Social Studies and Science in our Classical Homeschool
For week three of the Virtual Curriculum Fair 2014, we are discussing Exploring Our World: Social Studies and Science. These content areas comprise the bulk of our homeschooling studies. I am excited to share some of our favorite resources with you!
History and Geography
Elementary/Middle School:Classical Conversations Timeline: Creation to Modern America
Classical Acts and Facts History Cards
Middle School:
We are studying the era AD 30 - 1799 for our studies in history and geography. Our core curriculum is Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries in the History Revealed series by Diana Waring. This curriculum is multi-disciplinary and we explore many subjects in an interconnected way. Some of these subjects include:
- Bible
- History
- Geography
- Literature
- Music
- Art
- Architecture
- Science
- investigating/reporting
- mapping
- creative writing
- charting/compiling
- poetry
- graphic design
- art
- dramas
- kits
- cooking
- musical performances
- Lego building
Additionally, we are reviewing the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation Self-Paced Online History Course with Veritas Press. Our daughter is enjoying this dynamic online program. My little niece loves to listen to lessons as they are quite colorful and informative.
We use several core reference resources to compile notebooks, timeline studies, narrative readings, and for general research:
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
Usborne Encyclopedia of World History
Streams of Civilization
The Usborne Book of World History Dates
DK Smithsonian Timelines of History
We love to collect vintage and classic history books and use them for reference.
I have used resources from Susan Wise Bauer for well over a decade. Our daughter loves her The Story of the World readers. The Well-Trained Mind is one of my all-time favorite books on education.
Homeschool in the Woods Timeline Figures are gorgeous timeline resources that can be used for any era of history. It is definitely a family favorite!
Here are some additional history resources that we love and use every year with our overall studies:
Heritage History
Map Trek by Knowledge Quest
We love building the bulk of our academic studies around historical time periods! This allows us to truly immerse ourselves into history. We receive a lot of inspiration from historical narratives. You can read about some of our favorite sources for narrative history at History in the Classical Home.
Elementary/Middle School:Classical Conversations Foundations: Memory Work
Science in the Beginning by Dr. Jay Wile
Science in the Beginning Binder-Builder by A Journey Through Learning
Elementary Zoology
My nephew loves to study anything related to animals. I love the new Parent Lesson Planner by Master Books.
Middle School:
Exploring Creation with General Science
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
- Notebooks and lapbooks on science topics
- Experiments
- Field trips
Additional Creation Science Resources:
1. Wonders of Creation series by New Leaf Publishing
2. Signs and Seasons by Classical Astronomy
3. The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady and The Bumper Book of Nature
4. The World of Animals
Nature Study:
Handbook of Nature Study (900+ page e-Book)
Handbook of Nature Study blog
The Outdoor Hour challenge
Preschool Nature Study from Spell Outloud
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
- Nature Field journal/notebook
- Field trips to area nature preserves/habitats
- Outdoor classroom
- Gardening
What are your favorite resources for social studies and science?
Thank you for joining me for Week Three of the Virtual Curriculum Fair 2014! You can visit my Week Two post at Discovering Patterns: Mathematics, Logic, and Science in our Classical Homeschool.
Now, let’s see how other homeschoolers are Exploring Our World with Social Studies and Science: (note links will all be LIVE by noon on 1/20)
A Classical Approach to Ancient World History for All Ages by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Supercharged Science's eScience Program by Kristi K. @ The Potter’s Hand Academy
Social Studies & Science Resource Lists by Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
History and Science: Learning About the World Around Us by Leah@As We Walk Along the Road
Designing a Unit Study for History, Geography, or Science by Amy @ Eclectic Homeschooling</ p>
Virtual Curriculum Fair: Social Studies by Joelle @ Homeschool for His Glory
Uncle Sam & You- Notgrass by Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
My Favorite History Books for Boys by Monique @ Living Life and Learning
Social Studies in Our Homeschool by Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
A Peek into our Homeschool: The Sciences by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
Our Curriculum Choices 2014 ~ History & Science by Renata @ Sunnyside Farm Fun
We're having a Social Studies-heavy Year by Debra @ Footprints in the Butter
Our Journey Around the World by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
My Favourite Social Studies Curriculum by Kim @ Homestead Acres
Raising Map Nuts: Learning Geography Naturally by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset
The Whos, Wheres and Whys by Michele P @Family, Faith and Fridays
Exploring Our World: Social Studies and Science in our Classical Homeschool by Sharra @ The Homeschool Marm
Time Travel Throughout the World {or History and Geography in Our Homeschool} by HillaryM @ Our Homeschool Studio
Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 3: Exploring Our World – Social Studies and More Science</ a> by Stacie @ Super Mommy To The Rescue
Why We're Ditching Story of the World by Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker
You can join us to discuss this topic by linking up below!