Our Curriculum Selections for 2014-2015
Here are a few books that influence my educational philosophies:

The Well-Trained Mind (3rd edition) by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
Teaching the Trivium by Laurie and Harvey Bluedorn
The Core by Leigh Bortins
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson
Beyond Survival by Diana Waring
Reaping the Harvest by Diana Waring
Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Maculay
Teaching the Trivium by Laurie and Harvey Bluedorn
The Core by Leigh Bortins
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson
Beyond Survival by Diana Waring
Reaping the Harvest by Diana Waring
Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Maculay
The Old Schoolhouse MagazineHip Homeschool Moms
Conventions We're Attending
March 27-28, 2015IAHE - Indiana Association of Home Educators
Bible / Religious Studies / Philosophy
Elementary/Middle School:Pilgrim's Progress All-In-One-Curriculum
Hymns for a Kid's Heart, Volume One
Bible Road Trip - Books of the Law (Year One)
Bible Road Trip - Books of History (Year One)
Egermeier's Fun Family Devotions
Egermeier's Bible Story Book
Early Learning
Five in a Row, Volume One (Fall)Five in a Row, Volume Two (Spring)
Five in a Row Cookbook
Elementary:Math-U-See Alpha (finishing up)
Math-U-See Beta
Middle School:
Saxon Algebra 1/2
World History and Geography
Middle School:We are studying the era AD 1800 to 1950 for our studies in history and geography. Our core curriculum is World Empires, World Missions, World Wars in the History Revealed series by Diana Waring. This curriculum is multi-disciplinary and we explore many subjects in an interconnected way. Some of these subjects include:
- Bible
- History
- Geography
- Literature
- Music
- Art
- Architecture
- Science
- investigating/reporting
- mapping
- creative writing
- charting/compiling
- poetry
- graphic design
- art
- dramas
- kits
- cooking
- musical performances
- Lego building
American Studies
Elementary:Explorers to 1815 Veritas Press Online Course
1815 to Present Veritas Press Online Course
Lapbooks with A Journey Through Learning
Middle School:
Freedom: A History of Us
The Story of America
Constitutional Literacy
Words Aptly Spoken: American Documents
Here are some additional history resources that we love and use every year with our overall studies:
Heritage History
Homeschool in the Woods Timeline Figures
The Story of the World series of readers
Map Trek by Knowledge Quest
We use several core reference resources to compile notebooks, timeline studies, and for general reading:
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
Usborne Encyclopedia of World History
Streams of Civilization
The Usborne Book of World History Dates
DK Smithsonian Timelines of History
English Grammar
Serl's Primary Language Lessons
Middle School:
Serl's Primary Language Lessons
Middle School:
Middle School:
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (IEW)
Elementary:We read many fiction and non-fiction books!
Middle School:
Our daughter reads classic works that correspond with her studies in the World and American History periods we are exploring. She also chooses from a wide selection of classic works, vintage books, and historical readers that interest her through the year.
Two resources we rely on as literature guides:
Teaching the Classics
How to Read a Book
Middle School:We study a tragedy in the fall and comedy in the spring. This year our daughter selected Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Science / Nature Study
Science in the Beginning by Dr. Jay Wile
Science in the Beginning Binder-Builder by A Journey Through Learning
Middle School:
Exploring Creation with General Science
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
Reference Works:
Wonders of Creation series by New Leaf Publishing
Nature Study:
Handbook of Nature Study (900+ page e-Book)
Handbook of Nature Study blog
The Outdoor Hour challenge
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
Headventure Land from Classical Academic Press
Middle School:
First Form Latin by Memoria Press (finishing up)
Second Form Latin by Memoria Press
Science in the Beginning by Dr. Jay Wile
Science in the Beginning Binder-Builder by A Journey Through Learning
Middle School:
Exploring Creation with General Science
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
- Notebooking/lapbooking with A Journey Through Learning
- Experiments
- Field trips
Reference Works:
Wonders of Creation series by New Leaf Publishing
Nature Study:
Handbook of Nature Study (900+ page e-Book)
Handbook of Nature Study blog
The Outdoor Hour challenge
A few of the hands-on projects we do throughout the year:
- Nature Field journal/notebook
- Field trips to area nature preserves/habitats
- Outdoor classroom in the backyard
- Gardening
Elementary:Headventure Land from Classical Academic Press
Middle School:
First Form Latin by Memoria Press (finishing up)
Second Form Latin by Memoria Press
Fine Arts
Porridge White River Co-op Junior Players Drama TroupeA Christmas Carol at Madison Park Church
A few of the hands-on projects we plan to do throughout the year:
- Fine Arts notebooking (Composers and Artists)
- Fine Arts lapbooking
- Field trips to area Art museums
- Field trips to area symphony performances
- Field trips to area theatre performances
Middle School:Introductory Logic
The Art of Argument: An Introduction to the Informal Fallacies
The Fallacy Detective
Other Electives
Middle School:LEGO Robotics
Anderson University Science4-H
Anderson University GymBiking
How Do We Do It All?
Do any of you wonder how we get all of these subjects accomplished? We could not possibly endeavor to tutor and facilitate all of these subjects on our own. Our family believes in the strength of community. We link arms with mentors, friends, and fellow tutors to draw from our collective strengths.Two days a week, we have full-day community programs. One day we attend a large homeschooling co-op and another day we attend the Freedom Scholars Academy tutorial program directed by a friend and I. Additionally, we have supplemental courses on two partial days held at the library and Anderson University.
Classes at co-op:
- Preschool
- Elementary:
- Breakfast and Books
- Money and Time
- Lego Club
- Science
- Gym
- Mini-Drama
- Middle School:
- General Science
- Winston Grammar
- Yearbook
- Drama
- Lego Robotics
- American History
- Constitutional Literacy
- American Literature
- Modern World History and Geography
- Writing and Composition
- Gym
- Music
- Science
- Reading Tutorial
If you are blogging about your curriculum plans please send me your link! I would love to visit and see your plans for the year. I pray you and your families are blessed with a joyous year of homeschooling!
Be sure to check out my friends' (and fellow IAHE Bloggers) posts on their curriculum choices. They will be linked below.
Be sure to visit the other IAHE Bloggers posts:
Are you homeschooling in Indiana? We'd love to connect with you!