{Review} Galatians For You by Timothy Keller

Galatians For You by Timothy Keller is an initial release in a set of God's Word For You bible guides that are designed to meet the study needs of readers from new believers to seasoned Christians. This resource features three main purposes for use, as presented by The Good Book Company:
  • Read: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you treasure and live out the freedom of the gospel.
  • Feed: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God's word.
  • Lead: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Galatians as you preach or lead a Bible study. 

Galatians For You
covers all six chapters of the book of Galatians in approximately 200 pages. The book is an easy read which can be understood by readers of all backgrounds. You do not need to have a theological background as this book is not intended to be a lengthy commentary. However, the substance of the content, while friendly to read, cuts right to the heart of the gospel, and is presented with succinct clarity. As Keller relates:

"But in this short letter, Paul outlines the bombshell truth that the gospel is the A to Z of the Christian life. It is not only the way to enter the kingdom; it is the way to live as part of the kingdom. It is the way Christ transforms people, churches, and communities." -Timothy Keller

Galatians For You takes a chronological journey through the book of Galatians. Each section of commentary is followed with questions for reflection. The questions are both suitable for introspection and personal journaling, and for use in small group discussion. The reflective questions deal with issues of the heart and are geared towards supporting the transformative work of God's spirit. Included at the end of the book is a helpful glossary of terms.

My favorite aspect of the book is the engaging questions for reflection included within each section. My husband and I read through passages together and shared some interesting points of discussion with one another. The life application questions are thought-provoking and probe into spiritual issues of the heart's motivations. You can read and utilize Galatians For You for personal study, devotion, teaching, and within a small group setting.

Timothy Keller is a favorite author of ours, and forthcoming titles in this series include:
Judges For You
Psalms For You
Romans 1-7 For You
Romans 8-16 For You
2 Timothy For You
1 John For You

I enjoyed reviewing Galatians For You, and plan to order future guides in this series for our family. If you are searching for study materials for the book of Galatians, this book provides an accessible and thoughtful commentary.

You can visit the Galatians For You Blog Tour at Cross Focused Reviews to check out what other Christian bloggers have to share about this new book.

Product Details:

Title: Galatians For You
Author: Timothy Keller
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Format: Hardcover
Retail Price: $22.99

Publisher Description:
First in a new series of expository guides to the Bible, Timothy Keller's Galatians For You is a personal or group curriculum that walks you through the book of Galatians, showing how the gospel message changes the whole of our lives.

Combining a close attention to the detail of the text with Timothy Keller's trademark gift for clear explanation and compelling insights, this resource will both engage your mind and stir your heart.

"Galatians is all about the gospel - the gospel all of us need throughout all of our lives. It's dynamite, and I pray that its powerful message explodes in your heart as you read this book."
Timothy Keller

Galatians for You is a uniquely flexible resource. It can be read for personal study or edification; used as a daily devotional, complete with reflection questions; or utilized by anyone who has a teaching ministry, to help small-group leaders understand and apply the text, and to give preachers helpful ways of connecting timeless Bible truths to today's world.

Galatians for You is designed to work alongside Gospel Matters, Timothy Keller's Bible-study resource for small groups and individuals.

Timothy Keller is a best-selling author and pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.

Sample Excerpt of Galatians For You

About the Author:
Timothy Keller was educated at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary, and is Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Reason for God, The Prodigal God, and The Meaning of Marriage.

This book was provided by Cross Focused Reviews and The Good Book Company for review purposes. This author was under no obligation to offer a favorable review. All opinions shared about the product are the honest responses of Sharra Badgley.


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